
Сообщения за декабрь, 2020
  Hello, today I'd like to show my groupmates' blogs. Here is my top-5 groupmates' blogs: 1.  https://englabbyalz.blogspot.com/ This blog will help you to find new courses what you haven't seen yet! 2.  https://englishwithyana21.blogspot.com Here you can see a lot of interesting information about learning of English. 3.  https://wowbrilliantenglish.blogspot.com This blog contains a lot of the most necessary information for those who like to learn foreign languages. 4.  https://anyakvetochka.blogspot.com/ In this blog Anya shows you different useful resources to improve your language skills. 5. h ttps://englishtogether20.blogspot.com/ And I think that here can also be the link of my blog because, I hope, it was useful for you))
 Mobile Applications 1. Main principles of MALL: your mobile phone is always with you; it is an exellent device to deliever very much bite-sized learning;  it's a those sort of prompters and reminders; friendly environment to learn. 2. Using QR-code in language teaching / learning There are special applications or generator sites for creating QR codes. With these codes, you can provide learners with text and links to Internet resources in a format that will allow them to use their own mobile devices. In the form of a QR code, you can give a text for reading, a link to a website, an address. And also for searching for objects in the classroom or at school, this technique is called "Treasure hunt". You can use a QR code to create a language environment in the classroom, for example, attach codes to objects in the class, in which the names of these objects are encrypted. And if you use codes with sound recording, then objects can also call themselves in English or talk about...
M ASSIVE O PEN O NLINE  C OURSE Hi, today I'm going to describe MOOC courses I'd like to take. The fist one I've found on canvas.net : BL-101: BEGINNING TO BLEND (K-12) This course will teach you about blended and personalized learning as a whole, and show you how to stretch your thinking and try something new. You’ll learn the how and why of “blended” and how blended/personalized learning is changing the face of teaching and learning. You’ll leave this course with four blended “recipes” you can implement in your classroom immediately. The second one I've found on coursera.org : Python for everyone This Specialization builds on the success of the Python for Everybody course and will introduce fundamental programming concepts including data structures, networked application program interfaces, and databases, using the Python programming language. In the Capstone Project, you’ll use the technologies learned throughout the Specialization to design and create your own app...