M ASSIVE O PEN O NLINE C OURSE Hi, today I'm going to describe MOOC courses I'd like to take. The fist one I've found on canvas.net : BL-101: BEGINNING TO BLEND (K-12) This course will teach you about blended and personalized learning as a whole, and show you how to stretch your thinking and try something new. You’ll learn the how and why of “blended” and how blended/personalized learning is changing the face of teaching and learning. You’ll leave this course with four blended “recipes” you can implement in your classroom immediately. The second one I've found on coursera.org : Python for everyone This Specialization builds on the success of the Python for Everybody course and will introduce fundamental programming concepts including data structures, networked application program interfaces, and databases, using the Python programming language. In the Capstone Project, you’ll use the technologies learned throughout the Specialization to design and create your own app...
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My favourite resourse of learning English💓 British Council 👍 https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/ It has high-quality resourses to improve your English. At first, you should find your English level by taking its free online test. Then you can find lessons and various materials to improve your English skills in grammar, vocabulary, reading and listening. For example, if you want to practice grammar you should just choose that course and start any lesson you want: adjectives and prepositions, articles and etc. When you chose any lesson you have to look at some examples of your theme. Then you are supposed to have a test, after it there is a rule of this lesson and then... one more test. Also on this website you can learn bisiness English or General English and you can have any online lessons. You will take your English to the next level, s tuding with its self-access courses by paid subscription💸.
Hello, today I'm going to talk about services to create tests, questionnaires and quizes. Here is such top servises: Google Forms Advantagies: Get answers fast Survey with style Create or respond on the go Organised and analyzed Build it together Socrative To compose a quiz, a special application for teachers must be installed on the teacher's mobile device. The application offers various options for answers: in the form of answers "true" or "false", questions using answers and open-ended questions. If the quiz is not passed anonymously, then each student is assigned a code for his smartphone, and at the end of the test a summary table of results appears on the mobile device with incorrectly given answers, which are marked in green and red, respectively. Quizlet Quizlet has a variety of tools to suit you. Every new fact that you remember is an achievement. Quizlet breaks down subjects and topics to make it easier to memorize and step-by-step. With free Quiz...
Thanks for sharing resources links. I am also learning English-speaking skills and English Grammar skills.