Hello everyone! Noday I am going to tell you about WIKI!!! WHAT IS WIKI Wiki is a web technology used for collaborative publishing on the web. Wiki is a type of server software that allows you to work with data on a remote server on the Web. Users interact with the software through a web interface that lets them read, edit and publish content. Wikis have a wide range of educational applications, most of which can be combined within one wiki site. FREE WIKI TOOLS • Wikispaces proves to be one of the best, highly reliable, easy to use and intuitive free wiki platforms to use as your wiki platform. With at least 100 MB of file storage space, it can prove sufficient for most academic needs of a small group. Recent classroom-oriented updates makes Wikispates your top choice for classroom wiki use. • Wikia offers a more modern look, has more features and a vast fan base for attracting commercially active communities — Twilight fans, healthy food fans and alike. Les...
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Hello, today I'm going to talk about services to create tests, questionnaires and quizes. Here is such top servises: Google Forms Advantagies: Get answers fast Survey with style Create or respond on the go Organised and analyzed Build it together Socrative To compose a quiz, a special application for teachers must be installed on the teacher's mobile device. The application offers various options for answers: in the form of answers "true" or "false", questions using answers and open-ended questions. If the quiz is not passed anonymously, then each student is assigned a code for his smartphone, and at the end of the test a summary table of results appears on the mobile device with incorrectly given answers, which are marked in green and red, respectively. Quizlet Quizlet has a variety of tools to suit you. Every new fact that you remember is an achievement. Quizlet breaks down subjects and topics to make it easier to memorize and step-by-step. With free Quiz...
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Hi, everyone! I'm going to tell you about Google Services what might be used in the English language learning or teaching There are a lot of tool what help to learn something and also nesessary for it, for example, mail, calendar, drive, sheets, slides and also Docs. These tools everybody knows but I prepared the list of such google services that are not very popular but they very useful, and you may not know them earlier. Google Translate Translate words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages instantly using this Google free service. Google Scholar Search scholarly literature across a range of disciplines and sources, including articles, theses, books, abstracts, and more. Read Along Help students to learn to read safely and independently with this fun and engaging speech-based app - including assistance frem Diya, their in-app reading buddy. Apps that work with Classroom Spark creativity and create endless oppotunities for learning. Hundreds o...
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Hello! Today I am going to talk about bookmarks! From 2006 to the present, bookmarking services have changed significantly. I've made a list of those. 1. https://www.diigo.com/ Diigo.com has a personal space (My Library) where a variety of user information is stored. There are also such features: notes, highlighting important places on the page, images, lists, browser integration and much more. 2. http://top-page.ru One of the disadvantages of this service is the lack of a mobile version, but it has a large number of advantages, including such as an unlimited number of bookmarks, the ability to download bookmarks on another computer, a search bar with 2 search engines, 20 background images. 3. http://qmos.org This service differs in that it has the ability to download bookmarks on another computer, the availability of a mobile version, download speed, multilingualism, but the number of bookmarks is limited, there is no search bar. I personally do not need addition...